Helen Lawler, InspiorMX, www.Inspiormx.com
InspiorMX creates an inspiring business advisory and strategic Marketing plans to maximize your customer’s engagement experience. We have one goal in mind–grow your business with a holistic approach. Our dynamic team of thought leaders understand the rapidly-evolving market and the threats it poses to business-as-usual.
Hi I’m here with Helen Lawler of InspiorMX. Helen you help people stand out through your marketing. How do you do that?
One key way, particularly in this environment that we’re in right now, we’re in crisis mode, is we really help clients look at products and services to make sure they’re positioned well, they’re competitive and that they can maximize revenue. At Inspior MX we really want to make sure that we can set the strategy for those products and services, the pricing enhancements, any of the new offerings, to remain in front of the marketplace. And really during these trying times we want to take a critical look at those offerings and how to best launch or relaunch those.
Max Assessments is a solution that allows us to determine the key drivers of a client’s business. So we’ll set a baseline understanding, we’ll work with the client to set attainable goals. It’s really the center of decision-making and it’s the foundational way we can get to short and long term plans. We will help interpret the information and what matters from the client’s own data as well as look at external information.
So you’re looking at the client’s message but you’re also comparing it against their competitors outside and you’re coming up with something that can really help them stand out from the crowd and appeal to their clients.
You said you don’t do this as one marketing silo, that you take a holistic approach.
Right. So from the business perspective we’re not just looking at marketing, or just product, or even a tactical element. We’re looking at the business needs, so whether that’s what their financial needs are, their operational needs, and then we’re looking at taking that information and bringing it into what we’re doing in terms of strategies, whether it’s branding reputation, product, marketing tactics and so forth. So we pull it all together.
That sounds wonderful, what kind of firms do you work with? Small firms for their marketing, large firms?
It’s a mix, we were definitely starting to target emerging companies but of course right now we’re in crisis mode, so we’re really helping with sustaining at this point. So we’ve been doing a little bit of crisis work and then also the next phase is, how do you position yourself for the post Covid environment, which will obviously be very different in many ways. So we’re looking at those trends and really doing as best as we can to position people.
Wonderful is there anything else that we need to know?
I think the only other thing in terms of the marketing piece is that while we can help, certainly, execute on those we’re very different in that, as you can hear, we have a lot of thoughts on terms of incorporating your marketing into the entire business. But we do also look at the comprehensive marketing pieces from our 30,000 foot view. So you really want to take that and show business strategies implemented to focus on the return on investment, and it’s kind of a conservative approach but it really helps prioritize what works best for the business. I think every business needs strong marketing otherwise you’re not going to survive and marketing that helps you stand out. It’s really important right now to not take your eye off the ball.
It is and I agree with you that when we come out of this Covid you better be ready to go and have a plan, a strategy, and hit the ground running because there will be money to spend and the people that have spent this time getting themselves ready to be in a position to get that money will get it.
And the data is going to be really important, you need to follow that. Because things will change in a split second so you need to be able to adjust your sales as quickly as possible and have that long-term goal, but also know that there’s going to be a lot more changes that are going to happen in between.